CEO’s Leadership Talk
First quarter of 2020 has shown big differences between old fashioned companies and companies with innovative ‘out of box’ way of thinking.
In AIX Investment Group, we believe strongly in science and technology. All our efforts are directed into delivering excellent results to our respected clients.
Global Markets Outlook
The coronavirus pandemic is set to deliver a sharp and deep economic shock. Market moves are reminiscent of the darkest days of the financial crisis in 2008, but volatile market is at the same time opportunity for experienced traders, to exploit the market volatility and generate profits.
While the duration of the virus pandemic is unpredictable, policy stimulus, pent-up demand and a lack of major imbalances argue for a solid upswing when the virus threat clears.
Dow Jones: – 19.09%
S&P 500: – 12.95%
FTSE: – 25.97%
DAX: – 19.94%
Crude oil price: – 64%
Real Estate Index: – 34%
While international capital markets struggled in the 1st Quarter of 2020, AIX Investment Group has completed Q1 2020 with impressive results.
“The risks of being out of the game are huge compared to the risks of being in it.”
AIX DYNAMIC is a fully managed individual trading account managed by AIX Investment Group. Our team of experienced traders is using several diversified trading strategies and tools, all with intent to minimize risk and maximize profit. In Q1 we were very active in trading currency pairs (EUR/USD, EUR/GBP, EUR/JPY, GBP/USD, GBP/JPY, USD/JPY, USD/CAD), commodity CFD (XAU/USD, XAG/USD) and Digital Assets (BTC/USD, ETH/USD, XRP/USD).
January 2020: +0.4%
February 2020: +1.8%
March 2020: +2.9%
Q1 2020: +5.1%
We expect consistency in our future results.
Financial markets are changing rapidly. We believe strongly in science and technology and we use them to help our investors achieve their financial goals. There are several different digital assets available for trading and/or investing.
Our team of blockchain specialists are providing insightful advice in Digital Assets’ investment.
Investment product with fixed payout dates and amounts, has successfully completed every single payout in Q1 (+3.6%). AIX SECURE’s portfolio is balanced and diversified with investments into different asset classes.
Companies that perform best in an economic recession do two things well. First, they are strategically positioned before the recession starts, and second, they react efficiently and swiftly to optimize operations according to different market behaviour.
Warren Buffett said years ago:
“Try to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful.”